Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lemper, rails against Roters-Approval

Cologne - The Savings Bank scandal, in times of election campaigns. The CDU is sweeping up the pieces left behind and Jupp Bietmann Rolf Müller, and fears, what else is everything.
Meanwhile, Union Councilors Dr. Lothar Theodor Lemper goes to the red-green candidate OB Juergen Roters and its release from the Metropolitan Savings Bank-funded report:
"A pers pektivlose and the inventory to be completely inadequate," bellows Lemper. "An unnecessary act of occupational therapy for a non-congested former district president."
Roters had written for 35,000 euros on behalf of the savings GbR's advice for the club, "Cologne Bonn region.
Roters his part Bietmann in sight: "He was the nucleus of a prey-maker system. After the death of Harry Blum, he has not started its successor, but makes use of the incumbent as governor to pursue racketeering. And hand in hand with Josef Mueller. "
Because "these false, defamatory and hurtful remarks" has Bietmann brought an action against Roters.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Funeral oration by Zwanziger, DFB President

Hanover --
"The pictures of this week, those days are in front of our eyes - and before your even before my own. This incredible message on Tuesday evening, not knowing what has happened?
It can not grasp. The next day the talks with our national team players. What happens next? What can we do? Guys, I'm proud of you. There is the time we need. The funeral, in order to absorb all this.
The press conference in the afternoon, a great respect, dear Mrs. Enke, for what you thought of your husband and I think for us to do to be able to. The images from the media, which made us affected by the accident site. The sympathy for those who were indifferent and yet involved. The engineer, the rescuers, the police. All that had to make their service. And then in the evening the funeral service here in Hanover. The spontaneity of the people in this city, the fans of Hannover 96, the fans of Robert Enke. Thanks to you.
These images change. They are times stronger and fade. The time will pass away. Life will again take its beginning.
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

The 16-million-dollar <br/> confession

Cologne - The "Cologne Warhol, artist, Hans Juergen K. from Pulheim (65), must be for the production of 16.5 million U.S. dollars of counterfeit six years in prison.
On Thursday, the process in the District Court: The six-month pre-trial detention has left traces of Hans Juergen K., the face is pale. His assistant Manfred A. remains motionless, now and then massaged his forehead.
The presiding judge sentenced the Karlheinz Schuhmacher printmaker from Pulheim professionally because of counterfeiting of imprisonment of six years, Manfred A. to three years imprisonment for aiding and abetting
A "mild" sentence for the two older gentlemen, this is attributable to intelligibility. For this sum is the second largest amount of counterfeit money that has ever been found - worldwide! "Only in the U.S., there was a greater fund of 17 million euros," Chief Prosecutor Egbert Bülles.
The flowers were discovered as 2006 at a rubbish tip Niehler accidentally found a bulldozer dollar bills in several bags (they were poor quality blooms, the idea of donors of the coup, the Albanians p. dispose Wolters). Awesome! A letterhead of the artist even put in there - he was unmasked. Then K. descended on the covert investigator "Susan", which appeared as a Counterfeit inquirer.
The dollar forger about his motive: "I needed money." He also wanted to pay off his debts, which resulted after his first conviction as a counterfeiter (1999, he got probation). Furthermore, the Albanians repeatedly pushed him, Mr S to action.
He felt flattered, but also: "I was often told that I am the only one who can do it as well."
Also of interest
The Counterfeiters workshop Kölsch Warhol

Friday, April 9, 2010

Who lost the lingerie?

steadygrip thick yoga mat

Dusseldorf - The Bietfieber has broken out. "30 euros," exclaims a visitor to the auction in the main station. The digital camera has several interested parties.
"35 euro" holds a second bidder, however. 36, 37, 40, 45 - the hand of auction director John Sczygiol snaps back and forth. In the end, is pleased Werner Giesser about the camera, which he bought for 64 euros. "A bargain. At the store I would have paid more than double. "
About 170 lost and found, which were left lying in trains of Deutsche Bahn, received on Wednesday a new owner. "I picked up a Maxi-Cosi, including teddy bear for just five euros. To get a buddy for Christmas. He is the first time in the spring of Dad, "Daniel grins INGMANN. "My father gets a new bicycle bags. I verschludert his. "
Julia Schulte auctioned a beauty case for 21 euros. "I happened to come by, and the auction was fun." Finally, there were disturbing facts: A bag full of brush went away for 16 euros, a western guitar for 48 euros. Lingerie for 20 euros was paid, a sunglasses-set was for 22 euros a buyer.

Monday, April 5, 2010

SoKo EXPRESS helped Rudolf Henne

Bonn - For Rudolf Henne (60) That's a sign people prank
He was to pay 15 euros for parking offense, although he could not see the no entry sign - because it is attached to the opposite direction!
Although the district court "a prosecution did not consider it necessary," he had to pay several hundred dollars attorney's fees. SoKo EXPRESS could helfen.Rudolf Hennes is a man of humor. But after a long dispute with the city is it the laughter gone.
What happened? On 8 November 2008, he parked his red Volkswagen Caddy in the mountain road in Kessenich. One-way street. "A parking sign I have not seen," he asserts.
Nevertheless, he floated a fine-decision into the house. As it turned out: There are two parking prohibition signs, but are visible only when you navigate around the mountain road would be wrong - as a kind of Wikitravel. A clear case of Schilda signs in the woods.
Henne did not pay. From 15 euros was € 38.50. The farce with the case number 152/09 OWi 802 landed at the district court. On 16 July event was able Hennes: The court terminated the proceedings.
However: On the attorney's fees amounting to several hundred dollars, he remained seated. He is indeed rechtsschutzversichert. Litigation around the parking and stopping but are not part of the benefits. He had overlooked the fine print!
EXPRESS stepped in, negotiated hard with the insurance. After much dithering, the CEO took a heart. Although insurance companies generally do not pay in such cases, makes the company an exception. "We pay Mr. Hennes once $ 100," promised the boss.
By the way: The city now wants to turn the sign either remove or enable. A site visit is planned.
They also need help from the task force? Email us at soko-bonn@express.de
Also of interest
Construction apartment: Here is restored
"Finally I get my money!"