Monday, April 5, 2010

SoKo EXPRESS helped Rudolf Henne

Bonn - For Rudolf Henne (60) That's a sign people prank
He was to pay 15 euros for parking offense, although he could not see the no entry sign - because it is attached to the opposite direction!
Although the district court "a prosecution did not consider it necessary," he had to pay several hundred dollars attorney's fees. SoKo EXPRESS could helfen.Rudolf Hennes is a man of humor. But after a long dispute with the city is it the laughter gone.
What happened? On 8 November 2008, he parked his red Volkswagen Caddy in the mountain road in Kessenich. One-way street. "A parking sign I have not seen," he asserts.
Nevertheless, he floated a fine-decision into the house. As it turned out: There are two parking prohibition signs, but are visible only when you navigate around the mountain road would be wrong - as a kind of Wikitravel. A clear case of Schilda signs in the woods.
Henne did not pay. From 15 euros was € 38.50. The farce with the case number 152/09 OWi 802 landed at the district court. On 16 July event was able Hennes: The court terminated the proceedings.
However: On the attorney's fees amounting to several hundred dollars, he remained seated. He is indeed rechtsschutzversichert. Litigation around the parking and stopping but are not part of the benefits. He had overlooked the fine print!
EXPRESS stepped in, negotiated hard with the insurance. After much dithering, the CEO took a heart. Although insurance companies generally do not pay in such cases, makes the company an exception. "We pay Mr. Hennes once $ 100," promised the boss.
By the way: The city now wants to turn the sign either remove or enable. A site visit is planned.
They also need help from the task force? Email us at
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