Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lemper, rails against Roters-Approval

Cologne - The Savings Bank scandal, in times of election campaigns. The CDU is sweeping up the pieces left behind and Jupp Bietmann Rolf Müller, and fears, what else is everything.
Meanwhile, Union Councilors Dr. Lothar Theodor Lemper goes to the red-green candidate OB Juergen Roters and its release from the Metropolitan Savings Bank-funded report:
"A pers pektivlose and the inventory to be completely inadequate," bellows Lemper. "An unnecessary act of occupational therapy for a non-congested former district president."
Roters had written for 35,000 euros on behalf of the savings GbR's advice for the club, "Cologne Bonn region.
Roters his part Bietmann in sight: "He was the nucleus of a prey-maker system. After the death of Harry Blum, he has not started its successor, but makes use of the incumbent as governor to pursue racketeering. And hand in hand with Josef Mueller. "
Because "these false, defamatory and hurtful remarks" has Bietmann brought an action against Roters.