Monday, May 3, 2010

Humme: New attack against Mayor Erwin

Dusseldorf - Lange ex Sparkassenschef Heinz-Martin Humme to "Pooth-silent affair," reported only after the dismissal of the charges to speak.
But after a futile effort to contact the family of Joachim Erwin, the ousted bankers now goes on the attack - again against the late OB.
With a "position paper" from the documents that is to have Erwin sent to the prosecution, will prove Humme "Joachim Erwin has initiated investigations against myself, then media attention directed and enforced, then the third step, the dismissal as chief executive officer."
In his attempt to (rehabilitate himself, and then perhaps the savings bank) suing for a settlement that is Heinz-Martin Humme out all the stops:
"At the time when he wrote the" position paper ", it was Erwin seems only a matter of me harm. Apparently he did not care that he also moved the city savings bank in a questionable light. "
Erwin's family declined to comment on the new allegations: "We say no more," said Angela Erwin.