Sunday, May 9, 2010

18-year-old should go to jail

Rabat - His passion for the Spanish soccer club FC Barcelona is dearly a Moroccan student. According to media reports on Friday of the 18-year-old as in the North African country was customary to write the motto "God, Fatherland, King" on the blackboard. Instead, he noted: "God, fatherland, Barca."
The management of the school in the vicinity of Marrakech showed the boy to the police and turned them then proceed with prosecution. In a fast-track the boy was finally convicted of treason to 18 months in prison.
Human rights groups would protest letters to the Justice Department and Moroccan King Mohammed VI. written, they said continue.
Internet forums were also calls for the FC Barcelona president Joan Laporta and his should work also for the convicted boys. In June 2009 the 18-year-old wanted to graduate. Instead, he has to because of his love of football is now in the slammer - inconceivable.
The Spanish football clubs, particularly Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, are very popular in Morocco. In Spain, nearly 700,000 Moroccan immigrants living.