Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hard films as Star Dad very soft

Upper arms like tree trunks, one voice, as he had swallowed a double bass: Action star Vin Diesel (41).
In the fourth part of the PS-strip "The Fast and the Furious" (Cinema release: April 2) he can spin the tires again. EXPRESS met the prominent Hollywood star, who showed his soft side.
Broad grin bursting Mark Sinclair Vincent - so his real name - in the interview room. He proudly talks about his new movie.
But when the issue is on the Promo stressful job in Europe, swallows the brawny type, then:
"Since I am a father, I've been wondering whether acting the right job for me. Because every time I put one down when I have to give my angel goodbye. "
Hania Riley Vin is small in the next few months a year. Father was to be a great moment for him, he would still prefer for his daughter. But now they are thousands of miles away. Hania Riley must be content with Mama Paloma Jiminez.
The bald-headed powerhouse is very sentimental, "While shooting in Mexico and the Dominican Republic, I have both been around. But now that we fly every day from one country to another, I could not take them. "
He would like to now the "Pacifier" (he turned in 2005) will play at home. "It really hurts when I have to leave my baby alone."
But unfortunately, must stand back Hania Riley Dad's new strip for a few days. Because for Vin the action film is also a matter of the heart. He is not only performers, but also a producer.
"Otherwise I would not have accepted the job," he confesses. In 2001 he played with in the first part, the next two he had. "It was important that we now tell the story of Part 1 on - with all the main characters."
In this he succeeded: in addition to Michelle Rodriguez (30 has already been caught with alcohol at the wheel) and Jordana Brewster (28, the license was only shortly before the first film) is also heart-throb Paul Walker (35, amateur racing driver) back again.
All PS-actors are to visit Germany. Finally, was held in Bochum on Tuesday evening, the European premiere of the action film.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Top 3D (digital image)

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Carl, a 78-year-old loner and former balloon seller, a fixed day to countless Lufballons his small house and takes off gene Amazon. When Carl discovered a blind passenger, namely the eight-year scout Russell, he is not enthusiastic, since it robs Russell as the Liver last nerve. But by and by she welds the trip, which degenerates more and more into a giant adventure together.
?? Movie.label.director??
Pete Docter
?? Movie.label.actors??
Karl Heinz Böhm, Dirk Bach
?? Movie.label.genre??
?? Movie.label.year??
?? Movie.label.runtime??
96?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? Movie.label.certification??

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lumpi and Halet's has fully caught

Aalen - Fully finished Andreas Lambertz came from the cabin towards the bus trudged.
Fortuna's captain was injured shortly after the break from the field and had to fear the last exciting minutes of the outline from. "This is worse than any nightmare. But fortunately everything went well, "said the director. In the duel with Steffen Bohl Lumpi had suffered an ankle injury. "I have not tried, but I could not occur," said Lambertz.
Team doctor Ulf Blecker: "We hope that there is only one Aussenbandverletzung. If anything on Syndesmoseband, it gets hard to get to Bremen Lumpi fit. "
Worse, it caught Clement Halet: he had with suspected cruciate ligament in her left knee from the field. "It's definitely something broken. I hope that it is only a meniscal tear, and not the previously injured cruciate ligament, "said Blecker.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

18-year-old should go to jail

Rabat - His passion for the Spanish soccer club FC Barcelona is dearly a Moroccan student. According to media reports on Friday of the 18-year-old as in the North African country was customary to write the motto "God, Fatherland, King" on the blackboard. Instead, he noted: "God, fatherland, Barca."
The management of the school in the vicinity of Marrakech showed the boy to the police and turned them then proceed with prosecution. In a fast-track the boy was finally convicted of treason to 18 months in prison.
Human rights groups would protest letters to the Justice Department and Moroccan King Mohammed VI. written, they said continue.
Internet forums were also calls for the FC Barcelona president Joan Laporta and his should work also for the convicted boys. In June 2009 the 18-year-old wanted to graduate. Instead, he has to because of his love of football is now in the slammer - inconceivable.
The Spanish football clubs, particularly Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, are very popular in Morocco. In Spain, nearly 700,000 Moroccan immigrants living.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Humme: New attack against Mayor Erwin

Dusseldorf - Lange ex Sparkassenschef Heinz-Martin Humme to "Pooth-silent affair," reported only after the dismissal of the charges to speak.
But after a futile effort to contact the family of Joachim Erwin, the ousted bankers now goes on the attack - again against the late OB.
With a "position paper" from the documents that is to have Erwin sent to the prosecution, will prove Humme "Joachim Erwin has initiated investigations against myself, then media attention directed and enforced, then the third step, the dismissal as chief executive officer."
In his attempt to (rehabilitate himself, and then perhaps the savings bank) suing for a settlement that is Heinz-Martin Humme out all the stops:
"At the time when he wrote the" position paper ", it was Erwin seems only a matter of me harm. Apparently he did not care that he also moved the city savings bank in a questionable light. "
Erwin's family declined to comment on the new allegations: "We say no more," said Angela Erwin.